Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Time to Fly South

This week, we are headed off to California for Bob & Cathy's wedding! Steve and I are looking forward to a break from a hectic work schedule (him) and a change of scenery (me). The flight to Sacramento is just over an hour in length, and I am very curious as to how Sydney will approach air travel. I guess this is a good litmus test for our upcoming trip to Maui in February! We are really looking forward to introducing Sydney to her great-Oma, her Grandpa Walter and all the other Forster relatives. I suspect her wildest dreams of being held and doted on 24-7 will be granted this trip!

Sydney is now approaching 6 mos. of life outside the womb, and to mark this milestone, we have been introducing her to solids (technical term: finely pureed food). She is wild about applesauce and a blueberry/pear concoction. Sweet peas--not so much. She actually had a look of utter disgust on her face when Steve gave her some peas. This new food brings on way more messes than milk, I have to admit. I thought spit up was a pain, but finding orange carrot stains all over our clothes is beyond annoying. But, it just won't do to have Sydney fall behind on the developmental scale of things, so, we'll keep those solids coming! In addition to new foods, Sydney will also be kicking off her first swim lessons in a few weeks. I am looking forward to trying something new with her, hopefully it will be worth the effort (and the task of squeezing myself into a swimsuit!). Steve has been prepping her by encouraging her to splash around, kick and deal with unexpected water in the eyes (I don't think anyone ever gets used to that!), during bath time. So, we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

L. van der Sluis said...

have a great time. Darn cute kid.