Friday, July 25, 2008

Steve's Hobby

(Linda, don't look at this picture!)

Just thought I'd share a shot of my dear husband, doing something that he loves :)
Now that Steve is generally injury-free, he has been able to get back into rock climbing. I'm planning to get back into it after my wrist heals up (I had surgery early July). He has a group of buddies from the rock gym that venture to various locations around the Portland metro area, and this was a shot from yesterday's excursion. We are looking forward to getting Sydney involved in climbing too someday...It's great exercise, seems to attract a good group of younger kids (at least at our climbing gym), and of course, she won't be doing these outside walls until she's older! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Family Vacation

The Forster family hit the road for a family vacation last week. We kicked off the adventure with a visit from Grandma Linda, who stayed with us a few nights. We took a few walks, Linda baked some goodies & then on Tuesday we left for Couer d'Alene, ID. The drive from Portland is about 6 hours, and of course, we had to stop & let Sydney stretch her legs a few times along the way. The scenery between Portland & CDA is beautiful...a few hours along the Columbia River Gorge, which changes from forests to desert with all kinds of rock formations, and then a few hours in Eastern WA through the rolling hills of farmlands.
Aunt Marty & Uncle John live in CDA year round, and Aunt Trudy & Uncle Frank spend parts of the summer in their own house a short walk from the 'main house.' In all, there are three homes that all have fabulous views of Lake CDA, and there is lots of room for visiting family. During our visit, we spent time with the aforementioned aunts & uncles, as well as the Verniest family & Aunt Cathy & Uncle Bob. As it is every year we go to Idaho, the weather was warm, and the family time was great. Sydney had a wonderful time with her grandma, who watched her nearly every day so Steve & I could spend some 'alone' time! In all, we had a restful time (I finished two books!), and enjoyed spending quality time with family we don't see too often.

Fourth of July Parade

Our neighborhood mom's group organized a 4th of July parade this year. It was a fun group walk around the neighborhood, and hopefully next year we'll have more spectators. The pictures above present Sydney in all her patriotic finery, and highlight two of the more rowdy parade spectators (Great Uncle Tim and Oma Jude!). Ryan rode his bike the entire way, and Kelan enjoyed the view from the front pack. The parade was followed by sandwiches and watermelon @ our house.
The 4th was actually more fun for me this year. Typically, I just get annoyed by the fireworks that begin on June 28th @ 10 p.m. and end on July 5th @ 2:30 a.m. I think fireworks make me realize I'm aging--the erratic noises disrupt my sleep, and at this stage of my life, sleep is a treasure!
This year felt more festive, and I actually did see a lovely illegal firework display from my bedroom window (courtesy of some unidentified neighbors). Fireworks are abundant in Washington, where it seems anything goes! In Oregon, legal fireworks aren't supposed to leave the ground, so anything seen in the air was likely purchased in Washington or from an Indian reservation. (Information courtesy of Assistant Fire Marshal Steve Forster) :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Quick video

You will have to excuse the following:
Steve's terrible voiceover
The trouble w/ wood floors (you'll see what I mean at the very end!!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hot Summer Days

Lots of walking going on here @ the Forster residence. Sydney amuses her self all day long by walking around the house. She particularly likes carrying a sundry of items with her...including, but not limited to potatoes, balls, shoes, plastic rings, baby jar lids, etc. She has her balance down fairly good, and it seems to really put a kink in her style when she falls. Good thing diaper butts are nice & padded! Other than practicing walking, we have inflated our small pool, and now that the weather has finally warmed up, Sydney & I hop into that every afternoon. Our neighborhood park has a pool which we also have visited. We are participating in a neighborhood 4th of July parade on Friday--stay tuned for pictures of our decorated stroller!

We celebrated Jude's 59th birthday on Sunday, with dinner & Slip n' Slide @ the Murray's. Sydney, Ryan & I were the only takers for the Slip n' Slide, and I have the bruised knees to demonstrate why adults really shouldn't be hurling themselves down on the ground onto a plastic path that lands you in ice cold water. However, it was fun...until the bruises started to hurt & turn ugly.

Steve has officially returned to his former/current job in Fire Prevention--we are excited about this cause it means a shorter commute & a bit more flexible hours. Linda is coming up from CA on the 13th to visit, and then the 4 of us will drive to Coeur d'Alene to visit with more of the Forster family. We love going to CDA, and this will be Sydney's 2nd trip! She was 1 mo. old when we traveled there last summer, and I am hoping this trip will be a bit more relaxing for us all!