Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow Days

We've had record snowfall here in Portland (at least a foot of snow, and in the 20's), and it is getting old fast! I am so ready to get out of the house and go do something...anything....

I did attempt a little snowboarding on our street. It didn't last long...Sydney doesn't particularly enjoy the snow/cold weather, so Steve (my snowboarding instructor) was forced indoors, and I got tired of falling on my keister.

We are headed to CA on Wednesday, and hopefully the airport will be cleared up and we can leave as scheduled!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rabbi Pinky

Sydney pulled out this hat from her closet that I've been meaning to pack away. It's a few sizes too small for her, but she loves it. Here she is in her grocery cart with her beanie on. I think she looks like a Jewish boy with it on. Oh, and also included in this image, a classic "Pinky perturbed" face.

Baby KK

Kelan is getting big, too. He is one of the most jovial smiley babies I've ever seen. If you catch his eye across the room, you get rewarded with a smile and some fluttering of those long lashes.
I took these pictures yesterday, after dolling up his hair with a bit of product. It doesn't lie down on its own, so I thought we might as well pump up the volume! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Getting So Big!

Sydney is now nearly 17 months old...I never thought I'd think of my child's age in terms of months, but I guess you just sort of do that when each month brings about a new development.
Here are a few recent pictures--one featuring Sydney's dearly beloved baby & stroller.

Let it Snow!

This weekend, the forecasters actually got it right...and we did get snow! A fair amount of it too, accompanied by blustery winds & frigid temps which makes it more pleasant to enjoy the snow from behind a window.

We did get Sydney bundled up in a snowsuit that should actually fit her next year (yes, I'm slightly behind in getting her outfitted for cold weather!) and outside to 'experience' her first real snowfall. She didn't find it that thrilling...However, by this evening, she was referring to snow as 'no'. You might find it surprising, but this really the first time she's ever said 'no'. And I'm hoping she doesn't figure out just yet that 'no' actually translates to something other than lovely white snow. I know my luck won't hold for long!