Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ladies & Babies Beach Trip

Shortly after we returned home from Idaho, Sydney & I joined Jude, Erin & the boys @ Lincoln City for a couple of days. We had a great time playing on the beach, visiting the aquarium, hitting DQ a few times for treats and hanging out in our little beach house. I wouldn't call it a relaxing time for the adults, per se, but it was really fun to spend some QT together.

The best part of baking...

As of late, Sydney has enjoyed helping me around the house. The other night I was scrubbing the carpet on the stairs, and she grabbed a rag and jumped right into scrubbing too! Her interest in helping or, more likely just plain imitating me/Steve, has also gravitated into the kitchen. She helped me make some brownies the other night, and fully enjoyed licking the spoon at the end!

Time for another haircut!

Sydney has had two haircuts over the course of the last few months, and she is due for another one! Clearly, you can make this assumption on your own by the desperate measure I've attempted with her hair.