Sunday, August 24, 2008

Using Utensils

Nearly every day we notice some new trick, sound or movement that Sydney has picked up. Lately, she's been crawling up and around on things, and then she'll flop around on the ground. It's a new, more relaxed way to move, versus walking or running everywhere in a hurry!
She's really into playing peekaboo with anyone who'll play it with her...She covers up her eyes (or just one eye), the seeker wonders aloud where Sydney could have ran off to, and then we all rave with praise when she opens up both her hands to reveal she was right there the whole time! It's quite amusing to her.
Last night she decided to experiment with using a spoon...and she was pretty successful considering she was dealing with runny applesauce on her first try :) As proud as we were, you can only imagine the gi-normous mess that was made in the process. But, it was worth it, she was very proud of herself :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Little Carnivore

Although Sydney is often seen refusing to eat food she previously devoured the day before, one thing is certain...she likes her meat. Not only that, she seems to enjoy a meal she can get really involved with.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Yum Yum

Sydney enjoying one of her favorite treats, a homemade yogurt popsicle. We have been experimenting with new foods these days, considering Sydney's tastes seem to fluctuate like the wind (much to my absolute joy). In addition to eating all meals with her fingers, Sydney is also beginning to boycott her afternoon nap (this also gives me great pleasure). As a matter of fact, as I write this, I'm hearing what sounds like thumping on crib rails coming from her bedroom. I do still put her down, and sometimes we luck out with a quick nap, other times she just plays for a bit on her own. I really will miss that afternoon nap, it was such a cherished part of my day!!

Where has the time gone?

We celebrated Sydney's 1st birthday on July 27. I can't believe a whole year has passed since she entered the world! As someone once told me: with kids, the days are long and the years are short. Sometimes, that is just the plain truth!