Monday, March 17, 2008

Catching Up...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted any photos or messages since early February! Where has the time gone! Perhaps I can account for some of it...
Between the three of us, we were sick nearly the entire month of February, with a sinus virus that is still hanging on to Steve's nose. Sydney had her 6 month shots in the middle of the month, which took her a few days to recover from. Then, Syd's two bottom teeth poked out, after a week of fussy behavior! I was quite relieved to know there was an explanation behind Sydney's strike against all things nap related. In addition to the teeth, Syd has developed into a busy little crawler. She moves quite fast, and we've put some gates up to keep her in various parts of the house. She also is quite proud of her ability to pull her self up on nearly anything. She is quite the little explorer! The picture above is Sydney in her kind of geeky 'explorer' hat, lounging on at the pool in Maui.

At the end of the month we went to Maui with Lane & Jude for a week. We all enjoyed ourselves, and had a very relaxing vacation. Steve & I even got out for date night! And then, a few days after we returned, Kelan Jesse Murray officially entered this world on Tuesday, March 11 (see photo above). Erin had a record 45 minute labor (5 mins. of pushing), and since I'm still mentioning it a week later, it's clear that I'm jealous! Ryan, Syd and I were unloading from the car in the hospital parking lot when Jude called me on my cell phone to me that the delivery was over & successful! He is a good baby, likes to eat and really likes to sleep.

Otherwise, Steve has been busy with TVFR work and consulting work that arrives from CA. Sydney and I have joined a neighborhood mom's/kids playgroup, which is fun and we are meeting lots of nice people. We've enjoyed the warmer weather and started to get back into our walking routine. We are looking forward to celebrating Easter at church, and with the rest of the family this weekend.

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