Thursday, March 27, 2008


My friend Lydia has been reading the Horse, I mean, the Baby Whisperer in the hopes of soothing her son. She said the author describes five different temperaments "types" of babies. Evidently, she immediately thought of Sydney while reading the "Spirited" type of child.
Admittedly, Sydney is an active baby. Not high strung per se, but definitely a busybody. She is always on the go, loves to have people chase her, gets into anything she can get her hands on, and pretty much puts everything in her mouth. A particular favorite is paper.

Yesterday, Syd went for a nap in the pack and play @ Jude & Lane's house. I pushed the playpen against a desk, as it was darker in that particular corner of the room. After putting Sydney down, and a few minutes of squealing and the like, she went to sleep. When she woke up, I walked in the room, only to find about 15 pieces of paper strewn all over the playpen, and Sydney sitting in the middle of them, sucking her thumb. Somehow she scraped all the papers off the desk, and proceeded to make a small nest out of them. Most surprising was how little of the paper she ate.

So, for your viewing pleasure I've attached a video of Sydney doing some of her usual, stuff, with a smattering of her usual noises. I apologize, the quality of the video isn't the greatest...

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