Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doing the Halloween Thing

So, to celebrate Friday the 31st, Sydney has been participating in several fall celebrations. This past Saturday, she & I went to the zoo with my longtime friend Theresa, and her son Aidan (he's ~3 yo). We had a good time, and Sydney seemed a tad more interested in the animals than the last time we visited the zoo in late spring. Just a tad...Seeing tigers from a distance is only interesting for a 1 year old for so long. I found the baby elephant to be quite adorable, he is only a month or so old and I just wanted to hop over the concrete wall and give him a squeeze!

We were invited to a Halloween party by our neighbors up the street. Our street is teeming with kids these days--Sydney isn't the youngest anymore! The older girls love to baby her, and her friends across the street Will and Olin love to amuse her. Will is particularly smitten, and loves to chase Syd around and get her squealing with laughter. The party was great, with lots of activities and snacks. In case you can't tell from the picture, Sydney is a dog for Halloween. I'm lucky if she forgets the hood is up, and it stays on her head for 5 minutes.
On Friday, I imagine we'll make the rounds to the neighbors houses, and then retreat to our own house to dole out candy.

1 comment:

db graphics said...

Sydney is so darn cute!!