Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fun New Stuff

Sydney has a close companion, Sam, whom she shares lots of things with..including sippy cups, Cheerios, and viruses. Sam & his mother Lydia (and his dad John) live up the street, and we often hook up to kill a few hours together during the day. We bought Sam a buggy for his first birthday...It's lovely, all bright spanking new. And he liked it so much, I bought Sydney one off Craigs List. It's not as clean as Sam' has chalk marks all over it, is missing a taillight & a headlight sticker, but it still has a functioning seat belt & loud gritty wheels! So far, we've gotten a lot of mileage out of it-Sydney loves it!

In addition to the 'ghetto buggy' (as it's referred to), Sydney is now the proud owner of a doll & a doll stroller. She clutches the doll, and lovingly calls it a baby (her only real word). It is cute to see her snuggle with it, and try & stuff a binky in its mouth.


L. van der Sluis said...

It is nice to have neighbors like that. People you can drop in on and be friends with. During there time of stress I hope you will be able to comfort them somehow and perhaps they will be open to the gospel too.

susanswenton said...

Hey, get busy with your blog. Don't your want to keep your "creative writing skills alive"?

an English teacher

Analese Forster said...

Susan, who are you? Not that I mind you reading my blog, just wondered how you found it :)