Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fourth of July Parade

Our neighborhood mom's group organized a 4th of July parade this year. It was a fun group walk around the neighborhood, and hopefully next year we'll have more spectators. The pictures above present Sydney in all her patriotic finery, and highlight two of the more rowdy parade spectators (Great Uncle Tim and Oma Jude!). Ryan rode his bike the entire way, and Kelan enjoyed the view from the front pack. The parade was followed by sandwiches and watermelon @ our house.
The 4th was actually more fun for me this year. Typically, I just get annoyed by the fireworks that begin on June 28th @ 10 p.m. and end on July 5th @ 2:30 a.m. I think fireworks make me realize I'm aging--the erratic noises disrupt my sleep, and at this stage of my life, sleep is a treasure!
This year felt more festive, and I actually did see a lovely illegal firework display from my bedroom window (courtesy of some unidentified neighbors). Fireworks are abundant in Washington, where it seems anything goes! In Oregon, legal fireworks aren't supposed to leave the ground, so anything seen in the air was likely purchased in Washington or from an Indian reservation. (Information courtesy of Assistant Fire Marshal Steve Forster) :)

1 comment:

Where's Domo? said...

I'd like to invite you to participate in my blog. Hope to see you there.

Brave Domo