Sunday, July 5, 2009

Water Baby

We've had a busy few days. Earlier in the week, Jude, Erin & I took a 24 vacation from the rest of the family to celebrate Erin & Jude's birthdays. We stayed at a beautiful spa/resort that overlooks the Oregon Garden. It was a brief vacation, but we all enjoyed the break.

For 4th of July, we walked with other kids in the neighborhood in the 2nd Annual Neighborhood Parade. The Murray's drove down to join us, and Lane & Jude were spectators. Following the parade, in true American fashion, we had burgers, fries & watermelon for lunch.

Today we took Sydney to our neighborhood pool for the first time this summer. I think I took her last year, and in fact, I have done swimming lessons with her over the past year (sporadically). But up until today, Sydney has been more interested in getting OUT of the pool than enjoying being IN the pool. Today she was like a different kid. Kicking her legs, laying on her back, blowing bubbles...the works. She didn't want to leave! So, looks like we have another fun hot day activity to amuse ourselves. However, I was thankful it was a two-parent event, cause frankly, she zips around so fast now, it can be hard to keep up with her. Especially around a pool, where water & concrete abound!

1 comment:

SDK said...

She is just the cutest thing, Ana. And congrats, by the way. Are you finding out the sex?