Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sydney's First Christmas

The Forster family enjoyed Christmas 2007 with fun, rest and family. Monday, we enjoyed a peaceful and restorative Christmas Eve service at church. On Tuesday, we visited with Grandma and Tim Simpson and the rest of the family up in LaCenter. It snowed the entire afternoon which made for a lovely white Christmas. Let's face it...snow is much more visually appealing than rain and gray skies! Sydney enjoyed playing with the crinkly paper and ribbons on the packages, and was quite pleased to have attention showered on her by her grandparents, cousin and aunt/uncle.
This Christmas has been particularly warm and relaxing for both Steve and I, likely due to our gratefulness for all that we are blessed with...a beautiful daughter, each other, loving families, a good career and a comfortable home/lifestyle. We look forward to all the joys and new experiences 2008 will bring to us, and our friends and family!