Sydney has been mindfully working on two areas of her development--sitting up and eating. The pictures above demonstrate her progress thus far in both areas.
She now prefers sitting up on her own, vs. laying on her back. The view appears to be loads better from her new vantage point, and toys much easier to inspect (and eat).
In addition, Sydney has now joined us at the dinner table. She is really getting the hang of it! She now appears to regard the spoon as more of a utensil rather than a run of the mill chew toy. The bib, well, it still winds up being used as a chew toy. Perhaps it's the leopard spots? She didn't really dig the rice cereal, but applesauce appears to more suited to her palate. Soon, she'll be a foodie just like her parents!
Sydney has also experienced her first fever, and given her first time parents a bit of a scare. She woke on Friday early morning with a high fever, so we took her to the pediatrician on Saturday. It appears she has Roseola, which has symptoms of a fever, followed by a rash a few days later. The virus has thrown off her daily routine, and made her a bit, shall we say...sensitive. Hopefully it will pass soon!