Boy, I am pathetic. I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I've updated this site, let alone even visited it myself! I'm too busy now with Facebook and reading other people's blogs when I'm at the computer!
Life these days is good. We all just got over another round of a cold, this time it wasn't so torturous. My sister hasn't had it so easy--one whole month and a double ear infection later, she & the boys are now healthy!
We visited family in California late January. Had a lovely time, and experienced fabulous weather. Sydney traveled well, and in all, it was a relaxing week away from home. Steve came home to a busy work schedule, and Sydney and I returned to our busy social schedule. Our time is filled running errands, enjoying playdates, visiting indoor playparks, and playing in the yard or at the playground when the weather holds. Sydney just hit her 18 month milestone, and the doctor declared her a tall, skinny girl. With bad skin and frizzy hair (this is my caveat!). Sydney has a super bumpy 'chicken skin' on both legs, and a little bit on her cheeks & ears. Hopefully she grows out of it. Not that it hinders her cuteness abilities in anyway.
We visited family in California late January. Had a lovely time, and experienced fabulous weather. Sydney traveled well, and in all, it was a relaxing week away from home. Steve came home to a busy work schedule, and Sydney and I returned to our busy social schedule. Our time is filled running errands, enjoying playdates, visiting indoor playparks, and playing in the yard or at the playground when the weather holds. Sydney just hit her 18 month milestone, and the doctor declared her a tall, skinny girl. With bad skin and frizzy hair (this is my caveat!). Sydney has a super bumpy 'chicken skin' on both legs, and a little bit on her cheeks & ears. Hopefully she grows out of it. Not that it hinders her cuteness abilities in anyway.
Picture above features a nice shot of Nana/Granny Linda & Sydney, enjoying sunny skies in Cali.