Sydney has a close companion, Sam, whom she shares lots of things with..including sippy cups, Cheerios, and viruses. Sam & his mother Lydia (and his dad John) live up the street, and we often hook up to kill a few hours together during the day. We bought Sam a buggy for his first birthday...It's lovely, all bright spanking new. And he liked it so much, I bought Sydney one off Craigs List. It's not as clean as Sam' has chalk marks all over it, is missing a taillight & a headlight sticker, but it still has a functioning seat belt & loud gritty wheels! So far, we've gotten a lot of mileage out of it-Sydney loves it!
In addition to the 'ghetto buggy' (as it's referred to), Sydney is now the proud owner of a doll & a doll stroller. She clutches the doll, and lovingly calls it a baby (her only real word). It is cute to see her snuggle with it, and try & stuff a binky in its mouth.